.: Welcome
Alain Pire Experience is a psychedelic trio from Marchin (Belgium). Its aim is to restore the spirit of Psych bands from the 60's such as Cream, Tomorrow, Beatles circa 66/67, Syd Barrett's Pink Floyd, Blossom Toes, The Syn, The Open Mind ...
Our first album "Cambridge" was released in spring 2014 - orders can be placed from this site.
The next opus, released in 2017, "Song from the 13th floor" receivend rave reviews
Their third album, entitled "APEX" has been released in May 2019
And a brand new live album, recorded in Cardigan, has been released in March 2020
In 2021, the band released its 5th album : Purple Skies
In 2024, a brand new album is out now ; The Journey
Alain Pire Expérience est un trio fondé par le guitariste et compositeur Marchinois : Alain Pire. Leur démarche est de restituer l'esprit exploratoire des grands groupes psychédéliques des Sixties qu'étaient Cream ou encore le Pink Floyd de Syd Barrett...
Le premier album du groupe "Cambridge" est sorti au printemps 2014 et est disponible en commande sur ce site
Leur second opus, "Songs from the 13th floor" est sorti en janvier 2017
Le 3e album "APEX" est disponible depuis Mai 2019 en format CD, Vinyle et Téléchargement
Continuant sur sa lancée, le groupe vient de sortir en mars 2020 un album live nommé "Live in Cardigan" - enregistré lors des deux prestations du groupe au Festival of Psychedelia en 2018 et 2019.
La version double-vinyle est sortie en mars 2020
L'année suivante, le groupe a sorti son 5e album : Purple Skies
Et le tout nouvel album vient de sortir en mars 2024 : The Journey
Update: 01/03/20
.: About the band...

On drums : Marcus Weymaere, a solid-rock drummer. Marcus has been a renowned and appreciated value on the European music scene since the 90s. He toured Belgium, France and Canada with a number of famous bands such as Cowboys and Aliens, Stella, Gorki, Beverly Jo Scott, Barbara Dex, William Dunker, Admiral Freebee, Guy Swinnen.

On bass : René Stock, a gifted bass player who constantly tours in Europe with Blues acts like Rob Tognoni, Roland Van Campenhoudt, BJ Scott, Willy Willy, Catherine Feeny, Johnny Dyer, Sista Monica Parker, The Electric Kings...

Alain Pire has been on the music scene for almost four decades. He played with acts like Jo Lemaire + Flouze, Burning Plague, Ladies sing the Blues (with BJ Scott and Dani Klein), Such a Noise, Huy!, Michel Drucker Expérience and finally Alain Pire Experience.